In light of the recent weather and my subsequent sunburn, I feel secure in saying that us Brits need a bit of help when it comes to the sun and summer. The Great British Summer doesn't grant us very many nice days but when it does, we feel obliged to go and enjoy it with every appropriate skin cell. Unfortunately, this mean lots of pasty nudity on every street, beer garden and park in Britain. So here's a few tips to actually enjoy the few days of summer we get a year without resulting in pink, peeling skin.
Firstly, the obvious: wear sun cream. I realise I may sound hypocritical as I am currently sporting a heavenly pink glow on both arms but I was in the north (Sheffield) and the sun was unprecedented - we're students so I wasn't going to buy some. Sun cream does actually work even if it is sticky and annoying however the SPF is important. For example, I have very fair skin (something I seem to forget in the first few sunny days) and need SPF 40 minimum. I do know people, however, that don't seem to worry about skin cancer and use an SPF 2 or a tanning milk (SPF0-1) - up to you but I wouldn't dream of it. In this country, obviously you can get away with a smaller SPF but always wear a higher SPF on your face if you want to have nicer skin than your contemporaries at the age of 40. Please do go and enjoy the sun (we don't get it very often) just think about being red and sore before you opt for the SPF10.
Secondly, I know it's sunny and hot but please wear clothes. A pet peeve of mine that I think is shared by many, is when people (lads, especially) decide everyone in the town wants to see them topless. When women do this, we're criticised for dressing provocatively - bikinis are for the beach, not for Budgens. You're going to get burnt and look very stupid. Up to you.
Thirdly, try to avoid barbecues organised by incompetent people - your food won't be cooked properly and food poisoning is likely. This may sound patronising but the kinds of barbecues you can buy in Poundland that people always take to the beach won't cook your sausages as quick as the awesome BBQ your family has at home, trust me.
Lastly, don't get too depressed when the sun, inevitably, goes away for another year. This happens every year, you should be prepared. You're less likely to have damaged skin and you don't have to feel uncomfortable in your clothes because it's too hot to breathe. We don't live in the med so don't be surprised when the sun gets bored of red raw Brits.
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